More readable Entity Framework Core queries with LINQKit

Recently I’ve completed a task that required writing a complex query in Entity Framework Core. After completing said tasked I’ve decided to marvel at my creation and saw, that there’s not much to marvel at - it did the job, but it wasn’t very readable. I already felt pity for the poor soul that has to understand it, or even worse, modify it - especially because more than likely it’d be me, after I’ve long forgotten the monstrosity I created....

November 19, 2022 · 5 min ·

How to create a blog, Part 2: managing content with TinaCMS

In the first part of the series on creating a blog with Hugo, we’ve ended up with a working, albeit empty blog. Now it’s time to add some content to it. Content in Hugo Content of a Hugo blog is just markdown files categorized by directories in your repository. You can create your first blog post by running the following command: hugo new posts/ You can see a markdown file hello_world....

November 6, 2022 · 6 min ·

How to create a blog, Part 1: Hugo static site generator

So you’ve dicided to start a blog. I’ve just done that, as you can probably tell by this being the first post on my own blog. In this series of blog posts I’m going to guide you through my process, talk about the decisions I made and my reasoning behind them, starting with the framework I’m using. Why Hugo? The first decision you have to make is what framework to use....

October 8, 2022 · 4 min ·